1. Overview

Primary Research Area

  • Architectural Acoustics, Noise Mapping and Control in Buildings
  • Building Indoor Environment, Energy Performance, and Building Envelope


Research Areas

  • Building Indoor Environment, Energy Performance, and Building Envelope
  • Building Energy Auditing and Monitoring
  • Computer Applications in Building Performance and Evaluation
  • Architectural Acoustics,  Noise Control in Buildings, Nosie Mapping


Dr. Adel Abdou is an Associate Professor at the Architectural Engineering Department at the College of Design and Built Environment, CDB, KFUPM. He has a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Architectural Engineering. He received his Ph.D. (1994), from the Center for Building Studies (CBS) Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Research interest cover aspects related to building indoor environment, dynamic facades, architectural acoustics, noise mapping and control in buildings, and computer applications in sustainable building design and performance evaluation. His most recent research projects He taught many courses related to: Architectural Graphics, Architectural Design, Working Drawings, and Construction Systems; Acoustics and Illumination, Architectural Acoustics, Building Illumination, and Computing Concepts in Architectural Engineering. He offered many consulting services in Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) studies as well as in transmission loss tests through construction components; Determination of absorption characteristics of construction materials; Building and equipment noise assessment and control; and Evaluation of sound quality for speech and music in auditoria. Developed several Architectural designs of many projects in the Middle East, such as: exhibition halls, residential-commercial multi-story buildings, office buildings, mosques, private residences, tourists' villages, and recreation areas. He authored many journal and conference papers that appeared in leading international and national periodicals and refereed conference proceedings. Dr. Abdou, was the first, to develop Web-based and Interactive (WBI, http://www.benoiseaware.kfupm.edu.sa/index_count.html) Noise Map for a city in the Middle East. He devised a monitoring and assessment procedure for both noise and air pollution of road traffic in major (arterial) roads in urban areas within cities in the kingdom employing state-of-the-art technology of computer-aided modeling, prediction and mapping of noise and air pollution levels as a result of road traffic. Dr. Abdou has an ample practical and consulting experience in the area of noise and dust monitoring and environmental impact assessment contributing to tens of client-funded and applied research projects as well as mega projects such as the ongoing Neom and the Red Sea development projects.



  • Ph.D. in Building Engineering, (Specialization: Arch./Bldg. Acoustics) - Centre for Building Studies (CBS), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1994
  • Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building - Institute for Housing Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1989
  • M. Sc. in Architectural Engineering - Arch. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1986
  • Postgraduate Diploma with DISTINCTION in Housing, Planning and Building - Institute for Housing Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1985
  • B. Sc. in Architectural Engineering - General Grade: VERY GOOD with HONOUR, Graduation Project: VERY GOOD - Arch. Eng. Dept, Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1982


Academic Positions

  • Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 2007-Present
  • Associate Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., College of Environmental Design, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals  (KFUPM), Dhahran, 31261, Saudi Arabia, 2004-Present
  • Assistant Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., College of Environmental Design, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals  (KFUPM), Dhahran, 31262, Saudi Arabia, 1996
  • Lecturer (US= Assistant Professor), Architectural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1995
  • Research Assistant, Centre for Building Studies (CBS), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 1989-1994
  • Assistant Lecturer, Arch. Eng. Dept. Faculty of Eng., Ain-Shams University (as a result of completing the M. Sc. Degree), 1986-1989
  • Teaching Assistant, (as a result of honored graduation), Arch. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1982-1986


Professional Societies, Registrations, and Memberships

  • Member of the Egyptian Architects' Association (EAA), Cairo, Egypt, 1982-Present
  • Member of the Canadian Acoustical Association (CAA), Ottawa, Canada, 1993-Present
  • Member of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), USA, 1994-Present
  •  Member (Former) of ASHRAE, USA, 1994-2005
  • Member (Founder) of Architectural Engineering Institute, (AEI), USA, 1998-Present
  • Member (Founder) of the Arab Society of Computer-Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD), 2001

Professional Participations

  • Member, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Renewable Energy and Power Systems (IRC-REPS), 2020
  • Guest Member, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Construction and Building Materials (IRC-CBM)
  • ABET IDEAL Scholar, the development and implementation of a program assessment plan and an effective assessment leader, 2009
  • Talks: Invited Speaker, Saudi Council of Engineers “A Model of near-Zero Energy Home (nZEH), Al-Khober, 2019

Service on Committees

  • Member, University Scientific Council, 2019-Present
  • Member, CDB College Strategic Planning, 2010-Present
  • Member, CDB Space Quality and Utilization, 2019-Present
  • Member University ABET Steering Committee, 2018-2021
  • Chairman, and Coordinator, ARE Smart and Sustainable Buildings (ARE-SSBs-CX) Concentration Area, 2019- Present
  • Member, Energy Efficiency (EE-CX) Concentration Area, 2019
  • Chairman, CDB Assessment, Accreditation, and Quality Assurance  (CAAQC), 2020-Present
  • Chairman, Program Assessment, Accreditation, and Quality Assurance  (PAAQC), 2016-Present
  • Coordinator, ARE Senior Design Project (SDP), 2012- Present
  • Chairman, Graduate Program Revision, 2018-Present
  • Member, ARE Faculty Recruitment, 2019-Present 
  • Chairman, ARE Labs Development, 2010-2017
  • Member, ARE Faculty Research, 2019-Present   
  • Chairman, Inter-disciplinary Team: CX: Smart  and Sustainable Buildings, 2021-Present  
  • Chairman, Undergraduate Program Revision, 2019-2021  
  • Chairman, Undergraduate Program Transition Taskforce, 2019
  • Member, Inter-disciplinary Team: Developing CX: Intelligent Energy Systems Management, 2021
  • ARE-ABET Assessment and Accreditation Coordinator, 2010-2021
  • Member, KFUPM-Annual SDP Expo Committee, 2016-Present
  • Member, Executive Committee, Center of Excellency in Energy Efficiency (CEEE), 2018- Present 

Other Service

  • Technical reviewer for journals: Building and Environment, Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Canadian Acoustics Journal, Journal of Engineering Research.
  • Technical reviewer for conferences: International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (INTER-NOISE), The International Congress on Sound and Vibration

Consulting Experience

Example Applied Research and Mega Projects:

  • Environmental Monitoring (During Construction-Phase) for the Dredging, Filling and Compaction Works of Sheybarah and Ummahat Alshaykh Islands Development (Red Sea), prepared for China Harbour Engineering Arabia Company Ltd. RI-CEMS, PN: CEW02642, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM
  • Environmental Monitoring (During Construction-Phase) For The Piling and Foundation Works of Sheybarah And Ummahat Alshaykh Islands (Red Sea), prepared for China Harbour Engineering Arabia Company Ltd. RI-CEMS, PN: CEW02645, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM
  • Mega Project, NEOM Regional Baseline and Monitoring Program, Detailed Report of Baseline Noise, Dust And Air Quality Assessment, Consultancy Services to Neom in the Execution of Fast Track Environmental Technical Services, RI-CEMS, PN: CEM2669, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM


2. Publications

Sample articles in journals and conferences

  • Mohamed A. Makawi, Ismail M. Budaiwi, Adel A. Abdou, (Under Review, 2022) “Impact of Enclosure Airtightness Characterization of Envelope Air Leakage Behavior for Centrally Air-Conditioned Single-Family Detached Houses"”, Journal Building Services Engineering Research and Technology.
  • Mohammed Alhaji Mohammed*, Adel A. Abdou (2019). The Framework Model for the Implementation of Collaborative and Interactive Learning in the University Classroom, Asian Journal of Education, and e-Learning 7(5)
  • AshrafT. Sayed and Adel A. Abdou, (2016). “A Model of A Near-Zero Home (nZEH) Using Passive Strategies and PV Technology in Hot Climates”, Journal of Green Buildings Vol. 11(1), pp. 38-70
  • Budaiwi I., and Abdou A. (2013).“The Impact of Thermal Conductivity Change of Moist Fibrous Insulation on Energy Performance of Buildings under Hot-Humid Conditions”, Inter. Journal of Building and Energy Vol. 60, pp. 388-399 (2013).
  • Abdou A. and Budaiwi I., (2013) “The Variation of Thermal Conductivity of Fibrous Insulation Materials under Different Levels of Moisture Content”, Inter. Journal of Construction and Building Materials Vol. 43, pp. 533-544
  • Mohammad S. Al-Homoud, Adel A. Abdou, and Ismail M. Budaiwi, (2009) “Assessment of Monitored Energy Use and Thermal Comfort Conditions in Mosques in hot-humid climates”, Journal of Energy and Buildings, Vol. 41(6), pp. 607-614

Funded Research Projects and Grants

Sample of Funded Research projects

  • Abdou, A., and Budaiwi, I., “Developing a Computational Tool for a Sustainable Assessment of Intelligent Buildings in Saudi Arabia, Funded Research Project, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), 2012-2014
  • Abdou, A., Budaiwi, I.,  “Monitoring and Mapping of Traffic Noise and Air Pollution of Arterial Roads in Urban Areas: a Decision-assisting Framework for Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures”, Funded-Project by KACST under the  Energy Technologies Program of the National Science and Technology Plan (NSTIP) 2010-2013
  • Rabee Reffat, Abdou, A., and Mir, S., “Developing a Strategy-based Design Tool for Energy Efficient Building Envelope of High-rise Office Buildings in Hot-Humid Climate”, Funded-Project by KACST under the  Energy Technologies Program of the National Science and Technology Plan (NSTP) for year 2009.
  • Budaiwi, I., and Abdou, A., “The Impact of Moisture Content on the Thermal Conductivity of Fibrous Insulation Materials”, A 2-year Internal-Funded Project, KFUPM, January 2008.
  • Al-Homoud, M., Budaiwi, I., Abdou, A., and Khaiyat, S., “Thermal Design and Air-Conditioning Operation Strategies of Mosques in Hot-Humid Climates of the Kingdom”, A 3-year Funded Research Project, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), May 2005.
  • Budaiwi, I., Abdou, A., and Al-Homoud, M., “Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Common Insulating Materials under Different Operating Conditions”, Funded Research Project, the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), October 2000.

Chapters in Books

  • My research work (Ph.D.) on directional information of sound fields in reverberant enclosures employing the measurements of the instantaneous sound intensity vector has been published (with permission) and referred to  in the book titled “Room Acoustics”, 2nd Edition, (1995), by F. J. Fahy, pp. 248, 249, published by E & FN Spon, ISBN 0-419-19810-5.

3. Awards

  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2019-2020.
  • Distinguished Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2015-2016.
  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2014-2015.
  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2009-2010.
  • Distinguished Teaching and Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2004-2005.
  • Distinguished Teaching and Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 1999-2000.
  • Directors’ Award for the best paper published in Canadian Acoustics in 1994 authored by a graduate student.
  • Awarded and received Scholarship for Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building, HIS, 1989. (Advanced Postgraduate Diploma)
  • Awarded and received Scholarship for Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building, HIS, 1985. (Postgraduate Diploma with DISTINCTION)

Dr. Adel M. Abdou Associate Professor (013) 860-2762 adel@kfupm.edu.sa http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/are/adel/


1. Overview

Primary Research Area

  • Architectural Acoustics, Noise Mapping and Control in Buildings
  • Building Indoor Environment, Energy Performance, and Building Envelope


Research Areas

  • Building Indoor Environment, Energy Performance, and Building Envelope
  • Building Energy Auditing and Monitoring
  • Computer Applications in Building Performance and Evaluation
  • Architectural Acoustics,  Noise Control in Buildings, Nosie Mapping


Dr. Adel Abdou is an Associate Professor at the Architectural Engineering Department at the College of Design and Built Environment, CDB, KFUPM. He has a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Architectural Engineering. He received his Ph.D. (1994), from the Center for Building Studies (CBS) Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Research interest cover aspects related to building indoor environment, dynamic facades, architectural acoustics, noise mapping and control in buildings, and computer applications in sustainable building design and performance evaluation. His most recent research projects He taught many courses related to: Architectural Graphics, Architectural Design, Working Drawings, and Construction Systems; Acoustics and Illumination, Architectural Acoustics, Building Illumination, and Computing Concepts in Architectural Engineering. He offered many consulting services in Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) studies as well as in transmission loss tests through construction components; Determination of absorption characteristics of construction materials; Building and equipment noise assessment and control; and Evaluation of sound quality for speech and music in auditoria. Developed several Architectural designs of many projects in the Middle East, such as: exhibition halls, residential-commercial multi-story buildings, office buildings, mosques, private residences, tourists' villages, and recreation areas. He authored many journal and conference papers that appeared in leading international and national periodicals and refereed conference proceedings. Dr. Abdou, was the first, to develop Web-based and Interactive (WBI, http://www.benoiseaware.kfupm.edu.sa/index_count.html) Noise Map for a city in the Middle East. He devised a monitoring and assessment procedure for both noise and air pollution of road traffic in major (arterial) roads in urban areas within cities in the kingdom employing state-of-the-art technology of computer-aided modeling, prediction and mapping of noise and air pollution levels as a result of road traffic. Dr. Abdou has an ample practical and consulting experience in the area of noise and dust monitoring and environmental impact assessment contributing to tens of client-funded and applied research projects as well as mega projects such as the ongoing Neom and the Red Sea development projects.



  • Ph.D. in Building Engineering, (Specialization: Arch./Bldg. Acoustics) - Centre for Building Studies (CBS), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1994
  • Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building - Institute for Housing Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1989
  • M. Sc. in Architectural Engineering - Arch. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1986
  • Postgraduate Diploma with DISTINCTION in Housing, Planning and Building - Institute for Housing Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1985
  • B. Sc. in Architectural Engineering - General Grade: VERY GOOD with HONOUR, Graduation Project: VERY GOOD - Arch. Eng. Dept, Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1982


Academic Positions

  • Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 2007-Present
  • Associate Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., College of Environmental Design, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals  (KFUPM), Dhahran, 31261, Saudi Arabia, 2004-Present
  • Assistant Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., College of Environmental Design, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals  (KFUPM), Dhahran, 31262, Saudi Arabia, 1996
  • Lecturer (US= Assistant Professor), Architectural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1995
  • Research Assistant, Centre for Building Studies (CBS), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 1989-1994
  • Assistant Lecturer, Arch. Eng. Dept. Faculty of Eng., Ain-Shams University (as a result of completing the M. Sc. Degree), 1986-1989
  • Teaching Assistant, (as a result of honored graduation), Arch. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1982-1986


Professional Societies, Registrations, and Memberships

  • Member of the Egyptian Architects' Association (EAA), Cairo, Egypt, 1982-Present
  • Member of the Canadian Acoustical Association (CAA), Ottawa, Canada, 1993-Present
  • Member of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), USA, 1994-Present
  •  Member (Former) of ASHRAE, USA, 1994-2005
  • Member (Founder) of Architectural Engineering Institute, (AEI), USA, 1998-Present
  • Member (Founder) of the Arab Society of Computer-Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD), 2001

Professional Participations

  • Member, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Renewable Energy and Power Systems (IRC-REPS), 2020
  • Guest Member, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Construction and Building Materials (IRC-CBM)
  • ABET IDEAL Scholar, the development and implementation of a program assessment plan and an effective assessment leader, 2009
  • Talks: Invited Speaker, Saudi Council of Engineers “A Model of near-Zero Energy Home (nZEH), Al-Khober, 2019

Service on Committees

  • Member, University Scientific Council, 2019-Present
  • Member, CDB College Strategic Planning, 2010-Present
  • Member, CDB Space Quality and Utilization, 2019-Present
  • Member University ABET Steering Committee, 2018-2021
  • Chairman, and Coordinator, ARE Smart and Sustainable Buildings (ARE-SSBs-CX) Concentration Area, 2019- Present
  • Member, Energy Efficiency (EE-CX) Concentration Area, 2019
  • Chairman, CDB Assessment, Accreditation, and Quality Assurance  (CAAQC), 2020-Present
  • Chairman, Program Assessment, Accreditation, and Quality Assurance  (PAAQC), 2016-Present
  • Coordinator, ARE Senior Design Project (SDP), 2012- Present
  • Chairman, Graduate Program Revision, 2018-Present
  • Member, ARE Faculty Recruitment, 2019-Present 
  • Chairman, ARE Labs Development, 2010-2017
  • Member, ARE Faculty Research, 2019-Present   
  • Chairman, Inter-disciplinary Team: CX: Smart  and Sustainable Buildings, 2021-Present  
  • Chairman, Undergraduate Program Revision, 2019-2021  
  • Chairman, Undergraduate Program Transition Taskforce, 2019
  • Member, Inter-disciplinary Team: Developing CX: Intelligent Energy Systems Management, 2021
  • ARE-ABET Assessment and Accreditation Coordinator, 2010-2021
  • Member, KFUPM-Annual SDP Expo Committee, 2016-Present
  • Member, Executive Committee, Center of Excellency in Energy Efficiency (CEEE), 2018- Present 

Other Service

  • Technical reviewer for journals: Building and Environment, Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Canadian Acoustics Journal, Journal of Engineering Research.
  • Technical reviewer for conferences: International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (INTER-NOISE), The International Congress on Sound and Vibration

Consulting Experience

Example Applied Research and Mega Projects:

  • Environmental Monitoring (During Construction-Phase) for the Dredging, Filling and Compaction Works of Sheybarah and Ummahat Alshaykh Islands Development (Red Sea), prepared for China Harbour Engineering Arabia Company Ltd. RI-CEMS, PN: CEW02642, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM
  • Environmental Monitoring (During Construction-Phase) For The Piling and Foundation Works of Sheybarah And Ummahat Alshaykh Islands (Red Sea), prepared for China Harbour Engineering Arabia Company Ltd. RI-CEMS, PN: CEW02645, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM
  • Mega Project, NEOM Regional Baseline and Monitoring Program, Detailed Report of Baseline Noise, Dust And Air Quality Assessment, Consultancy Services to Neom in the Execution of Fast Track Environmental Technical Services, RI-CEMS, PN: CEM2669, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM


2. Publications

Sample articles in journals and conferences

  • Mohamed A. Makawi, Ismail M. Budaiwi, Adel A. Abdou, (Under Review, 2022) “Impact of Enclosure Airtightness Characterization of Envelope Air Leakage Behavior for Centrally Air-Conditioned Single-Family Detached Houses"”, Journal Building Services Engineering Research and Technology.
  • Mohammed Alhaji Mohammed*, Adel A. Abdou (2019). The Framework Model for the Implementation of Collaborative and Interactive Learning in the University Classroom, Asian Journal of Education, and e-Learning 7(5)
  • AshrafT. Sayed and Adel A. Abdou, (2016). “A Model of A Near-Zero Home (nZEH) Using Passive Strategies and PV Technology in Hot Climates”, Journal of Green Buildings Vol. 11(1), pp. 38-70
  • Budaiwi I., and Abdou A. (2013).“The Impact of Thermal Conductivity Change of Moist Fibrous Insulation on Energy Performance of Buildings under Hot-Humid Conditions”, Inter. Journal of Building and Energy Vol. 60, pp. 388-399 (2013).
  • Abdou A. and Budaiwi I., (2013) “The Variation of Thermal Conductivity of Fibrous Insulation Materials under Different Levels of Moisture Content”, Inter. Journal of Construction and Building Materials Vol. 43, pp. 533-544
  • Mohammad S. Al-Homoud, Adel A. Abdou, and Ismail M. Budaiwi, (2009) “Assessment of Monitored Energy Use and Thermal Comfort Conditions in Mosques in hot-humid climates”, Journal of Energy and Buildings, Vol. 41(6), pp. 607-614

Funded Research Projects and Grants

Sample of Funded Research projects

  • Abdou, A., and Budaiwi, I., “Developing a Computational Tool for a Sustainable Assessment of Intelligent Buildings in Saudi Arabia, Funded Research Project, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), 2012-2014
  • Abdou, A., Budaiwi, I.,  “Monitoring and Mapping of Traffic Noise and Air Pollution of Arterial Roads in Urban Areas: a Decision-assisting Framework for Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures”, Funded-Project by KACST under the  Energy Technologies Program of the National Science and Technology Plan (NSTIP) 2010-2013
  • Rabee Reffat, Abdou, A., and Mir, S., “Developing a Strategy-based Design Tool for Energy Efficient Building Envelope of High-rise Office Buildings in Hot-Humid Climate”, Funded-Project by KACST under the  Energy Technologies Program of the National Science and Technology Plan (NSTP) for year 2009.
  • Budaiwi, I., and Abdou, A., “The Impact of Moisture Content on the Thermal Conductivity of Fibrous Insulation Materials”, A 2-year Internal-Funded Project, KFUPM, January 2008.
  • Al-Homoud, M., Budaiwi, I., Abdou, A., and Khaiyat, S., “Thermal Design and Air-Conditioning Operation Strategies of Mosques in Hot-Humid Climates of the Kingdom”, A 3-year Funded Research Project, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), May 2005.
  • Budaiwi, I., Abdou, A., and Al-Homoud, M., “Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Common Insulating Materials under Different Operating Conditions”, Funded Research Project, the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), October 2000.

Chapters in Books

  • My research work (Ph.D.) on directional information of sound fields in reverberant enclosures employing the measurements of the instantaneous sound intensity vector has been published (with permission) and referred to  in the book titled “Room Acoustics”, 2nd Edition, (1995), by F. J. Fahy, pp. 248, 249, published by E & FN Spon, ISBN 0-419-19810-5.

3. Awards

  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2019-2020.
  • Distinguished Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2015-2016.
  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2014-2015.
  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2009-2010.
  • Distinguished Teaching and Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2004-2005.
  • Distinguished Teaching and Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 1999-2000.
  • Directors’ Award for the best paper published in Canadian Acoustics in 1994 authored by a graduate student.
  • Awarded and received Scholarship for Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building, HIS, 1989. (Advanced Postgraduate Diploma)
  • Awarded and received Scholarship for Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building, HIS, 1985. (Postgraduate Diploma with DISTINCTION)

Dr. Adel M. Abdou Associate Professor (013) 860-2762 adel@kfupm.edu.sa http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/are/adel/

Associate Professor

1. Overview

Primary Research Area

  • Architectural Acoustics, Noise Mapping and Control in Buildings
  • Building Indoor Environment, Energy Performance, and Building Envelope


Research Areas

  • Building Indoor Environment, Energy Performance, and Building Envelope
  • Building Energy Auditing and Monitoring
  • Computer Applications in Building Performance and Evaluation
  • Architectural Acoustics,  Noise Control in Buildings, Nosie Mapping


Dr. Adel Abdou is an Associate Professor at the Architectural Engineering Department at the College of Design and Built Environment, CDB, KFUPM. He has a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Architectural Engineering. He received his Ph.D. (1994), from the Center for Building Studies (CBS) Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Research interest cover aspects related to building indoor environment, dynamic facades, architectural acoustics, noise mapping and control in buildings, and computer applications in sustainable building design and performance evaluation. His most recent research projects He taught many courses related to: Architectural Graphics, Architectural Design, Working Drawings, and Construction Systems; Acoustics and Illumination, Architectural Acoustics, Building Illumination, and Computing Concepts in Architectural Engineering. He offered many consulting services in Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) studies as well as in transmission loss tests through construction components; Determination of absorption characteristics of construction materials; Building and equipment noise assessment and control; and Evaluation of sound quality for speech and music in auditoria. Developed several Architectural designs of many projects in the Middle East, such as: exhibition halls, residential-commercial multi-story buildings, office buildings, mosques, private residences, tourists' villages, and recreation areas. He authored many journal and conference papers that appeared in leading international and national periodicals and refereed conference proceedings. Dr. Abdou, was the first, to develop Web-based and Interactive (WBI, http://www.benoiseaware.kfupm.edu.sa/index_count.html) Noise Map for a city in the Middle East. He devised a monitoring and assessment procedure for both noise and air pollution of road traffic in major (arterial) roads in urban areas within cities in the kingdom employing state-of-the-art technology of computer-aided modeling, prediction and mapping of noise and air pollution levels as a result of road traffic. Dr. Abdou has an ample practical and consulting experience in the area of noise and dust monitoring and environmental impact assessment contributing to tens of client-funded and applied research projects as well as mega projects such as the ongoing Neom and the Red Sea development projects.



  • Ph.D. in Building Engineering, (Specialization: Arch./Bldg. Acoustics) - Centre for Building Studies (CBS), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1994
  • Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building - Institute for Housing Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1989
  • M. Sc. in Architectural Engineering - Arch. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1986
  • Postgraduate Diploma with DISTINCTION in Housing, Planning and Building - Institute for Housing Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1985
  • B. Sc. in Architectural Engineering - General Grade: VERY GOOD with HONOUR, Graduation Project: VERY GOOD - Arch. Eng. Dept, Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1982


Academic Positions

  • Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 2007-Present
  • Associate Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., College of Environmental Design, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals  (KFUPM), Dhahran, 31261, Saudi Arabia, 2004-Present
  • Assistant Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., College of Environmental Design, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals  (KFUPM), Dhahran, 31262, Saudi Arabia, 1996
  • Lecturer (US= Assistant Professor), Architectural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1995
  • Research Assistant, Centre for Building Studies (CBS), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 1989-1994
  • Assistant Lecturer, Arch. Eng. Dept. Faculty of Eng., Ain-Shams University (as a result of completing the M. Sc. Degree), 1986-1989
  • Teaching Assistant, (as a result of honored graduation), Arch. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1982-1986


Professional Societies, Registrations, and Memberships

  • Member of the Egyptian Architects' Association (EAA), Cairo, Egypt, 1982-Present
  • Member of the Canadian Acoustical Association (CAA), Ottawa, Canada, 1993-Present
  • Member of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), USA, 1994-Present
  •  Member (Former) of ASHRAE, USA, 1994-2005
  • Member (Founder) of Architectural Engineering Institute, (AEI), USA, 1998-Present
  • Member (Founder) of the Arab Society of Computer-Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD), 2001

Professional Participations

  • Member, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Renewable Energy and Power Systems (IRC-REPS), 2020
  • Guest Member, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Construction and Building Materials (IRC-CBM)
  • ABET IDEAL Scholar, the development and implementation of a program assessment plan and an effective assessment leader, 2009
  • Talks: Invited Speaker, Saudi Council of Engineers “A Model of near-Zero Energy Home (nZEH), Al-Khober, 2019

Service on Committees

  • Member, University Scientific Council, 2019-Present
  • Member, CDB College Strategic Planning, 2010-Present
  • Member, CDB Space Quality and Utilization, 2019-Present
  • Member University ABET Steering Committee, 2018-2021
  • Chairman, and Coordinator, ARE Smart and Sustainable Buildings (ARE-SSBs-CX) Concentration Area, 2019- Present
  • Member, Energy Efficiency (EE-CX) Concentration Area, 2019
  • Chairman, CDB Assessment, Accreditation, and Quality Assurance  (CAAQC), 2020-Present
  • Chairman, Program Assessment, Accreditation, and Quality Assurance  (PAAQC), 2016-Present
  • Coordinator, ARE Senior Design Project (SDP), 2012- Present
  • Chairman, Graduate Program Revision, 2018-Present
  • Member, ARE Faculty Recruitment, 2019-Present 
  • Chairman, ARE Labs Development, 2010-2017
  • Member, ARE Faculty Research, 2019-Present   
  • Chairman, Inter-disciplinary Team: CX: Smart  and Sustainable Buildings, 2021-Present  
  • Chairman, Undergraduate Program Revision, 2019-2021  
  • Chairman, Undergraduate Program Transition Taskforce, 2019
  • Member, Inter-disciplinary Team: Developing CX: Intelligent Energy Systems Management, 2021
  • ARE-ABET Assessment and Accreditation Coordinator, 2010-2021
  • Member, KFUPM-Annual SDP Expo Committee, 2016-Present
  • Member, Executive Committee, Center of Excellency in Energy Efficiency (CEEE), 2018- Present 

Other Service

  • Technical reviewer for journals: Building and Environment, Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Canadian Acoustics Journal, Journal of Engineering Research.
  • Technical reviewer for conferences: International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (INTER-NOISE), The International Congress on Sound and Vibration

Consulting Experience

Example Applied Research and Mega Projects:

  • Environmental Monitoring (During Construction-Phase) for the Dredging, Filling and Compaction Works of Sheybarah and Ummahat Alshaykh Islands Development (Red Sea), prepared for China Harbour Engineering Arabia Company Ltd. RI-CEMS, PN: CEW02642, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM
  • Environmental Monitoring (During Construction-Phase) For The Piling and Foundation Works of Sheybarah And Ummahat Alshaykh Islands (Red Sea), prepared for China Harbour Engineering Arabia Company Ltd. RI-CEMS, PN: CEW02645, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM
  • Mega Project, NEOM Regional Baseline and Monitoring Program, Detailed Report of Baseline Noise, Dust And Air Quality Assessment, Consultancy Services to Neom in the Execution of Fast Track Environmental Technical Services, RI-CEMS, PN: CEM2669, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM


2. Publications

Sample articles in journals and conferences

  • Mohamed A. Makawi, Ismail M. Budaiwi, Adel A. Abdou, (Under Review, 2022) “Impact of Enclosure Airtightness Characterization of Envelope Air Leakage Behavior for Centrally Air-Conditioned Single-Family Detached Houses"”, Journal Building Services Engineering Research and Technology.
  • Mohammed Alhaji Mohammed*, Adel A. Abdou (2019). The Framework Model for the Implementation of Collaborative and Interactive Learning in the University Classroom, Asian Journal of Education, and e-Learning 7(5)
  • AshrafT. Sayed and Adel A. Abdou, (2016). “A Model of A Near-Zero Home (nZEH) Using Passive Strategies and PV Technology in Hot Climates”, Journal of Green Buildings Vol. 11(1), pp. 38-70
  • Budaiwi I., and Abdou A. (2013).“The Impact of Thermal Conductivity Change of Moist Fibrous Insulation on Energy Performance of Buildings under Hot-Humid Conditions”, Inter. Journal of Building and Energy Vol. 60, pp. 388-399 (2013).
  • Abdou A. and Budaiwi I., (2013) “The Variation of Thermal Conductivity of Fibrous Insulation Materials under Different Levels of Moisture Content”, Inter. Journal of Construction and Building Materials Vol. 43, pp. 533-544
  • Mohammad S. Al-Homoud, Adel A. Abdou, and Ismail M. Budaiwi, (2009) “Assessment of Monitored Energy Use and Thermal Comfort Conditions in Mosques in hot-humid climates”, Journal of Energy and Buildings, Vol. 41(6), pp. 607-614

Funded Research Projects and Grants

Sample of Funded Research projects

  • Abdou, A., and Budaiwi, I., “Developing a Computational Tool for a Sustainable Assessment of Intelligent Buildings in Saudi Arabia, Funded Research Project, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), 2012-2014
  • Abdou, A., Budaiwi, I.,  “Monitoring and Mapping of Traffic Noise and Air Pollution of Arterial Roads in Urban Areas: a Decision-assisting Framework for Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures”, Funded-Project by KACST under the  Energy Technologies Program of the National Science and Technology Plan (NSTIP) 2010-2013
  • Rabee Reffat, Abdou, A., and Mir, S., “Developing a Strategy-based Design Tool for Energy Efficient Building Envelope of High-rise Office Buildings in Hot-Humid Climate”, Funded-Project by KACST under the  Energy Technologies Program of the National Science and Technology Plan (NSTP) for year 2009.
  • Budaiwi, I., and Abdou, A., “The Impact of Moisture Content on the Thermal Conductivity of Fibrous Insulation Materials”, A 2-year Internal-Funded Project, KFUPM, January 2008.
  • Al-Homoud, M., Budaiwi, I., Abdou, A., and Khaiyat, S., “Thermal Design and Air-Conditioning Operation Strategies of Mosques in Hot-Humid Climates of the Kingdom”, A 3-year Funded Research Project, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), May 2005.
  • Budaiwi, I., Abdou, A., and Al-Homoud, M., “Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Common Insulating Materials under Different Operating Conditions”, Funded Research Project, the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), October 2000.

Chapters in Books

  • My research work (Ph.D.) on directional information of sound fields in reverberant enclosures employing the measurements of the instantaneous sound intensity vector has been published (with permission) and referred to  in the book titled “Room Acoustics”, 2nd Edition, (1995), by F. J. Fahy, pp. 248, 249, published by E & FN Spon, ISBN 0-419-19810-5.

3. Awards

  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2019-2020.
  • Distinguished Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2015-2016.
  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2014-2015.
  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2009-2010.
  • Distinguished Teaching and Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2004-2005.
  • Distinguished Teaching and Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 1999-2000.
  • Directors’ Award for the best paper published in Canadian Acoustics in 1994 authored by a graduate student.
  • Awarded and received Scholarship for Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building, HIS, 1989. (Advanced Postgraduate Diploma)
  • Awarded and received Scholarship for Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building, HIS, 1985. (Postgraduate Diploma with DISTINCTION)

Dr. Adel M. Abdou Associate Professor (013) 860-2762 adel@kfupm.edu.sa http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/are/adel/

Assistant Professor

1. Overview

Primary Research Area

  • Architectural Acoustics, Noise Mapping and Control in Buildings
  • Building Indoor Environment, Energy Performance, and Building Envelope


Research Areas

  • Building Indoor Environment, Energy Performance, and Building Envelope
  • Building Energy Auditing and Monitoring
  • Computer Applications in Building Performance and Evaluation
  • Architectural Acoustics,  Noise Control in Buildings, Nosie Mapping


Dr. Adel Abdou is an Associate Professor at the Architectural Engineering Department at the College of Design and Built Environment, CDB, KFUPM. He has a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Architectural Engineering. He received his Ph.D. (1994), from the Center for Building Studies (CBS) Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Research interest cover aspects related to building indoor environment, dynamic facades, architectural acoustics, noise mapping and control in buildings, and computer applications in sustainable building design and performance evaluation. His most recent research projects He taught many courses related to: Architectural Graphics, Architectural Design, Working Drawings, and Construction Systems; Acoustics and Illumination, Architectural Acoustics, Building Illumination, and Computing Concepts in Architectural Engineering. He offered many consulting services in Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) studies as well as in transmission loss tests through construction components; Determination of absorption characteristics of construction materials; Building and equipment noise assessment and control; and Evaluation of sound quality for speech and music in auditoria. Developed several Architectural designs of many projects in the Middle East, such as: exhibition halls, residential-commercial multi-story buildings, office buildings, mosques, private residences, tourists' villages, and recreation areas. He authored many journal and conference papers that appeared in leading international and national periodicals and refereed conference proceedings. Dr. Abdou, was the first, to develop Web-based and Interactive (WBI, http://www.benoiseaware.kfupm.edu.sa/index_count.html) Noise Map for a city in the Middle East. He devised a monitoring and assessment procedure for both noise and air pollution of road traffic in major (arterial) roads in urban areas within cities in the kingdom employing state-of-the-art technology of computer-aided modeling, prediction and mapping of noise and air pollution levels as a result of road traffic. Dr. Abdou has an ample practical and consulting experience in the area of noise and dust monitoring and environmental impact assessment contributing to tens of client-funded and applied research projects as well as mega projects such as the ongoing Neom and the Red Sea development projects.



  • Ph.D. in Building Engineering, (Specialization: Arch./Bldg. Acoustics) - Centre for Building Studies (CBS), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1994
  • Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building - Institute for Housing Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1989
  • M. Sc. in Architectural Engineering - Arch. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1986
  • Postgraduate Diploma with DISTINCTION in Housing, Planning and Building - Institute for Housing Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1985
  • B. Sc. in Architectural Engineering - General Grade: VERY GOOD with HONOUR, Graduation Project: VERY GOOD - Arch. Eng. Dept, Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1982


Academic Positions

  • Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 2007-Present
  • Associate Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., College of Environmental Design, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals  (KFUPM), Dhahran, 31261, Saudi Arabia, 2004-Present
  • Assistant Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., College of Environmental Design, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals  (KFUPM), Dhahran, 31262, Saudi Arabia, 1996
  • Lecturer (US= Assistant Professor), Architectural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1995
  • Research Assistant, Centre for Building Studies (CBS), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 1989-1994
  • Assistant Lecturer, Arch. Eng. Dept. Faculty of Eng., Ain-Shams University (as a result of completing the M. Sc. Degree), 1986-1989
  • Teaching Assistant, (as a result of honored graduation), Arch. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1982-1986


Professional Societies, Registrations, and Memberships

  • Member of the Egyptian Architects' Association (EAA), Cairo, Egypt, 1982-Present
  • Member of the Canadian Acoustical Association (CAA), Ottawa, Canada, 1993-Present
  • Member of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), USA, 1994-Present
  •  Member (Former) of ASHRAE, USA, 1994-2005
  • Member (Founder) of Architectural Engineering Institute, (AEI), USA, 1998-Present
  • Member (Founder) of the Arab Society of Computer-Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD), 2001

Professional Participations

  • Member, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Renewable Energy and Power Systems (IRC-REPS), 2020
  • Guest Member, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Construction and Building Materials (IRC-CBM)
  • ABET IDEAL Scholar, the development and implementation of a program assessment plan and an effective assessment leader, 2009
  • Talks: Invited Speaker, Saudi Council of Engineers “A Model of near-Zero Energy Home (nZEH), Al-Khober, 2019

Service on Committees

  • Member, University Scientific Council, 2019-Present
  • Member, CDB College Strategic Planning, 2010-Present
  • Member, CDB Space Quality and Utilization, 2019-Present
  • Member University ABET Steering Committee, 2018-2021
  • Chairman, and Coordinator, ARE Smart and Sustainable Buildings (ARE-SSBs-CX) Concentration Area, 2019- Present
  • Member, Energy Efficiency (EE-CX) Concentration Area, 2019
  • Chairman, CDB Assessment, Accreditation, and Quality Assurance  (CAAQC), 2020-Present
  • Chairman, Program Assessment, Accreditation, and Quality Assurance  (PAAQC), 2016-Present
  • Coordinator, ARE Senior Design Project (SDP), 2012- Present
  • Chairman, Graduate Program Revision, 2018-Present
  • Member, ARE Faculty Recruitment, 2019-Present 
  • Chairman, ARE Labs Development, 2010-2017
  • Member, ARE Faculty Research, 2019-Present   
  • Chairman, Inter-disciplinary Team: CX: Smart  and Sustainable Buildings, 2021-Present  
  • Chairman, Undergraduate Program Revision, 2019-2021  
  • Chairman, Undergraduate Program Transition Taskforce, 2019
  • Member, Inter-disciplinary Team: Developing CX: Intelligent Energy Systems Management, 2021
  • ARE-ABET Assessment and Accreditation Coordinator, 2010-2021
  • Member, KFUPM-Annual SDP Expo Committee, 2016-Present
  • Member, Executive Committee, Center of Excellency in Energy Efficiency (CEEE), 2018- Present 

Other Service

  • Technical reviewer for journals: Building and Environment, Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Canadian Acoustics Journal, Journal of Engineering Research.
  • Technical reviewer for conferences: International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (INTER-NOISE), The International Congress on Sound and Vibration

Consulting Experience

Example Applied Research and Mega Projects:

  • Environmental Monitoring (During Construction-Phase) for the Dredging, Filling and Compaction Works of Sheybarah and Ummahat Alshaykh Islands Development (Red Sea), prepared for China Harbour Engineering Arabia Company Ltd. RI-CEMS, PN: CEW02642, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM
  • Environmental Monitoring (During Construction-Phase) For The Piling and Foundation Works of Sheybarah And Ummahat Alshaykh Islands (Red Sea), prepared for China Harbour Engineering Arabia Company Ltd. RI-CEMS, PN: CEW02645, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM
  • Mega Project, NEOM Regional Baseline and Monitoring Program, Detailed Report of Baseline Noise, Dust And Air Quality Assessment, Consultancy Services to Neom in the Execution of Fast Track Environmental Technical Services, RI-CEMS, PN: CEM2669, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM


2. Publications

Sample articles in journals and conferences

  • Mohamed A. Makawi, Ismail M. Budaiwi, Adel A. Abdou, (Under Review, 2022) “Impact of Enclosure Airtightness Characterization of Envelope Air Leakage Behavior for Centrally Air-Conditioned Single-Family Detached Houses"”, Journal Building Services Engineering Research and Technology.
  • Mohammed Alhaji Mohammed*, Adel A. Abdou (2019). The Framework Model for the Implementation of Collaborative and Interactive Learning in the University Classroom, Asian Journal of Education, and e-Learning 7(5)
  • AshrafT. Sayed and Adel A. Abdou, (2016). “A Model of A Near-Zero Home (nZEH) Using Passive Strategies and PV Technology in Hot Climates”, Journal of Green Buildings Vol. 11(1), pp. 38-70
  • Budaiwi I., and Abdou A. (2013).“The Impact of Thermal Conductivity Change of Moist Fibrous Insulation on Energy Performance of Buildings under Hot-Humid Conditions”, Inter. Journal of Building and Energy Vol. 60, pp. 388-399 (2013).
  • Abdou A. and Budaiwi I., (2013) “The Variation of Thermal Conductivity of Fibrous Insulation Materials under Different Levels of Moisture Content”, Inter. Journal of Construction and Building Materials Vol. 43, pp. 533-544
  • Mohammad S. Al-Homoud, Adel A. Abdou, and Ismail M. Budaiwi, (2009) “Assessment of Monitored Energy Use and Thermal Comfort Conditions in Mosques in hot-humid climates”, Journal of Energy and Buildings, Vol. 41(6), pp. 607-614

Funded Research Projects and Grants

Sample of Funded Research projects

  • Abdou, A., and Budaiwi, I., “Developing a Computational Tool for a Sustainable Assessment of Intelligent Buildings in Saudi Arabia, Funded Research Project, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), 2012-2014
  • Abdou, A., Budaiwi, I.,  “Monitoring and Mapping of Traffic Noise and Air Pollution of Arterial Roads in Urban Areas: a Decision-assisting Framework for Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures”, Funded-Project by KACST under the  Energy Technologies Program of the National Science and Technology Plan (NSTIP) 2010-2013
  • Rabee Reffat, Abdou, A., and Mir, S., “Developing a Strategy-based Design Tool for Energy Efficient Building Envelope of High-rise Office Buildings in Hot-Humid Climate”, Funded-Project by KACST under the  Energy Technologies Program of the National Science and Technology Plan (NSTP) for year 2009.
  • Budaiwi, I., and Abdou, A., “The Impact of Moisture Content on the Thermal Conductivity of Fibrous Insulation Materials”, A 2-year Internal-Funded Project, KFUPM, January 2008.
  • Al-Homoud, M., Budaiwi, I., Abdou, A., and Khaiyat, S., “Thermal Design and Air-Conditioning Operation Strategies of Mosques in Hot-Humid Climates of the Kingdom”, A 3-year Funded Research Project, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), May 2005.
  • Budaiwi, I., Abdou, A., and Al-Homoud, M., “Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Common Insulating Materials under Different Operating Conditions”, Funded Research Project, the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), October 2000.

Chapters in Books

  • My research work (Ph.D.) on directional information of sound fields in reverberant enclosures employing the measurements of the instantaneous sound intensity vector has been published (with permission) and referred to  in the book titled “Room Acoustics”, 2nd Edition, (1995), by F. J. Fahy, pp. 248, 249, published by E & FN Spon, ISBN 0-419-19810-5.

3. Awards

  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2019-2020.
  • Distinguished Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2015-2016.
  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2014-2015.
  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2009-2010.
  • Distinguished Teaching and Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2004-2005.
  • Distinguished Teaching and Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 1999-2000.
  • Directors’ Award for the best paper published in Canadian Acoustics in 1994 authored by a graduate student.
  • Awarded and received Scholarship for Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building, HIS, 1989. (Advanced Postgraduate Diploma)
  • Awarded and received Scholarship for Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building, HIS, 1985. (Postgraduate Diploma with DISTINCTION)

Dr. Adel M. Abdou Associate Professor (013) 860-2762 adel@kfupm.edu.sa http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/are/adel/


1. Overview

Primary Research Area

  • Architectural Acoustics, Noise Mapping and Control in Buildings
  • Building Indoor Environment, Energy Performance, and Building Envelope


Research Areas

  • Building Indoor Environment, Energy Performance, and Building Envelope
  • Building Energy Auditing and Monitoring
  • Computer Applications in Building Performance and Evaluation
  • Architectural Acoustics,  Noise Control in Buildings, Nosie Mapping


Dr. Adel Abdou is an Associate Professor at the Architectural Engineering Department at the College of Design and Built Environment, CDB, KFUPM. He has a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Architectural Engineering. He received his Ph.D. (1994), from the Center for Building Studies (CBS) Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Research interest cover aspects related to building indoor environment, dynamic facades, architectural acoustics, noise mapping and control in buildings, and computer applications in sustainable building design and performance evaluation. His most recent research projects He taught many courses related to: Architectural Graphics, Architectural Design, Working Drawings, and Construction Systems; Acoustics and Illumination, Architectural Acoustics, Building Illumination, and Computing Concepts in Architectural Engineering. He offered many consulting services in Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) studies as well as in transmission loss tests through construction components; Determination of absorption characteristics of construction materials; Building and equipment noise assessment and control; and Evaluation of sound quality for speech and music in auditoria. Developed several Architectural designs of many projects in the Middle East, such as: exhibition halls, residential-commercial multi-story buildings, office buildings, mosques, private residences, tourists' villages, and recreation areas. He authored many journal and conference papers that appeared in leading international and national periodicals and refereed conference proceedings. Dr. Abdou, was the first, to develop Web-based and Interactive (WBI, http://www.benoiseaware.kfupm.edu.sa/index_count.html) Noise Map for a city in the Middle East. He devised a monitoring and assessment procedure for both noise and air pollution of road traffic in major (arterial) roads in urban areas within cities in the kingdom employing state-of-the-art technology of computer-aided modeling, prediction and mapping of noise and air pollution levels as a result of road traffic. Dr. Abdou has an ample practical and consulting experience in the area of noise and dust monitoring and environmental impact assessment contributing to tens of client-funded and applied research projects as well as mega projects such as the ongoing Neom and the Red Sea development projects.



  • Ph.D. in Building Engineering, (Specialization: Arch./Bldg. Acoustics) - Centre for Building Studies (CBS), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1994
  • Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building - Institute for Housing Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1989
  • M. Sc. in Architectural Engineering - Arch. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1986
  • Postgraduate Diploma with DISTINCTION in Housing, Planning and Building - Institute for Housing Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1985
  • B. Sc. in Architectural Engineering - General Grade: VERY GOOD with HONOUR, Graduation Project: VERY GOOD - Arch. Eng. Dept, Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1982


Academic Positions

  • Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 2007-Present
  • Associate Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., College of Environmental Design, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals  (KFUPM), Dhahran, 31261, Saudi Arabia, 2004-Present
  • Assistant Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., College of Environmental Design, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals  (KFUPM), Dhahran, 31262, Saudi Arabia, 1996
  • Lecturer (US= Assistant Professor), Architectural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1995
  • Research Assistant, Centre for Building Studies (CBS), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 1989-1994
  • Assistant Lecturer, Arch. Eng. Dept. Faculty of Eng., Ain-Shams University (as a result of completing the M. Sc. Degree), 1986-1989
  • Teaching Assistant, (as a result of honored graduation), Arch. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1982-1986


Professional Societies, Registrations, and Memberships

  • Member of the Egyptian Architects' Association (EAA), Cairo, Egypt, 1982-Present
  • Member of the Canadian Acoustical Association (CAA), Ottawa, Canada, 1993-Present
  • Member of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), USA, 1994-Present
  •  Member (Former) of ASHRAE, USA, 1994-2005
  • Member (Founder) of Architectural Engineering Institute, (AEI), USA, 1998-Present
  • Member (Founder) of the Arab Society of Computer-Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD), 2001

Professional Participations

  • Member, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Renewable Energy and Power Systems (IRC-REPS), 2020
  • Guest Member, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Construction and Building Materials (IRC-CBM)
  • ABET IDEAL Scholar, the development and implementation of a program assessment plan and an effective assessment leader, 2009
  • Talks: Invited Speaker, Saudi Council of Engineers “A Model of near-Zero Energy Home (nZEH), Al-Khober, 2019

Service on Committees

  • Member, University Scientific Council, 2019-Present
  • Member, CDB College Strategic Planning, 2010-Present
  • Member, CDB Space Quality and Utilization, 2019-Present
  • Member University ABET Steering Committee, 2018-2021
  • Chairman, and Coordinator, ARE Smart and Sustainable Buildings (ARE-SSBs-CX) Concentration Area, 2019- Present
  • Member, Energy Efficiency (EE-CX) Concentration Area, 2019
  • Chairman, CDB Assessment, Accreditation, and Quality Assurance  (CAAQC), 2020-Present
  • Chairman, Program Assessment, Accreditation, and Quality Assurance  (PAAQC), 2016-Present
  • Coordinator, ARE Senior Design Project (SDP), 2012- Present
  • Chairman, Graduate Program Revision, 2018-Present
  • Member, ARE Faculty Recruitment, 2019-Present 
  • Chairman, ARE Labs Development, 2010-2017
  • Member, ARE Faculty Research, 2019-Present   
  • Chairman, Inter-disciplinary Team: CX: Smart  and Sustainable Buildings, 2021-Present  
  • Chairman, Undergraduate Program Revision, 2019-2021  
  • Chairman, Undergraduate Program Transition Taskforce, 2019
  • Member, Inter-disciplinary Team: Developing CX: Intelligent Energy Systems Management, 2021
  • ARE-ABET Assessment and Accreditation Coordinator, 2010-2021
  • Member, KFUPM-Annual SDP Expo Committee, 2016-Present
  • Member, Executive Committee, Center of Excellency in Energy Efficiency (CEEE), 2018- Present 

Other Service

  • Technical reviewer for journals: Building and Environment, Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Canadian Acoustics Journal, Journal of Engineering Research.
  • Technical reviewer for conferences: International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (INTER-NOISE), The International Congress on Sound and Vibration

Consulting Experience

Example Applied Research and Mega Projects:

  • Environmental Monitoring (During Construction-Phase) for the Dredging, Filling and Compaction Works of Sheybarah and Ummahat Alshaykh Islands Development (Red Sea), prepared for China Harbour Engineering Arabia Company Ltd. RI-CEMS, PN: CEW02642, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM
  • Environmental Monitoring (During Construction-Phase) For The Piling and Foundation Works of Sheybarah And Ummahat Alshaykh Islands (Red Sea), prepared for China Harbour Engineering Arabia Company Ltd. RI-CEMS, PN: CEW02645, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM
  • Mega Project, NEOM Regional Baseline and Monitoring Program, Detailed Report of Baseline Noise, Dust And Air Quality Assessment, Consultancy Services to Neom in the Execution of Fast Track Environmental Technical Services, RI-CEMS, PN: CEM2669, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM


2. Publications

Sample articles in journals and conferences

  • Mohamed A. Makawi, Ismail M. Budaiwi, Adel A. Abdou, (Under Review, 2022) “Impact of Enclosure Airtightness Characterization of Envelope Air Leakage Behavior for Centrally Air-Conditioned Single-Family Detached Houses"”, Journal Building Services Engineering Research and Technology.
  • Mohammed Alhaji Mohammed*, Adel A. Abdou (2019). The Framework Model for the Implementation of Collaborative and Interactive Learning in the University Classroom, Asian Journal of Education, and e-Learning 7(5)
  • AshrafT. Sayed and Adel A. Abdou, (2016). “A Model of A Near-Zero Home (nZEH) Using Passive Strategies and PV Technology in Hot Climates”, Journal of Green Buildings Vol. 11(1), pp. 38-70
  • Budaiwi I., and Abdou A. (2013).“The Impact of Thermal Conductivity Change of Moist Fibrous Insulation on Energy Performance of Buildings under Hot-Humid Conditions”, Inter. Journal of Building and Energy Vol. 60, pp. 388-399 (2013).
  • Abdou A. and Budaiwi I., (2013) “The Variation of Thermal Conductivity of Fibrous Insulation Materials under Different Levels of Moisture Content”, Inter. Journal of Construction and Building Materials Vol. 43, pp. 533-544
  • Mohammad S. Al-Homoud, Adel A. Abdou, and Ismail M. Budaiwi, (2009) “Assessment of Monitored Energy Use and Thermal Comfort Conditions in Mosques in hot-humid climates”, Journal of Energy and Buildings, Vol. 41(6), pp. 607-614

Funded Research Projects and Grants

Sample of Funded Research projects

  • Abdou, A., and Budaiwi, I., “Developing a Computational Tool for a Sustainable Assessment of Intelligent Buildings in Saudi Arabia, Funded Research Project, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), 2012-2014
  • Abdou, A., Budaiwi, I.,  “Monitoring and Mapping of Traffic Noise and Air Pollution of Arterial Roads in Urban Areas: a Decision-assisting Framework for Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures”, Funded-Project by KACST under the  Energy Technologies Program of the National Science and Technology Plan (NSTIP) 2010-2013
  • Rabee Reffat, Abdou, A., and Mir, S., “Developing a Strategy-based Design Tool for Energy Efficient Building Envelope of High-rise Office Buildings in Hot-Humid Climate”, Funded-Project by KACST under the  Energy Technologies Program of the National Science and Technology Plan (NSTP) for year 2009.
  • Budaiwi, I., and Abdou, A., “The Impact of Moisture Content on the Thermal Conductivity of Fibrous Insulation Materials”, A 2-year Internal-Funded Project, KFUPM, January 2008.
  • Al-Homoud, M., Budaiwi, I., Abdou, A., and Khaiyat, S., “Thermal Design and Air-Conditioning Operation Strategies of Mosques in Hot-Humid Climates of the Kingdom”, A 3-year Funded Research Project, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), May 2005.
  • Budaiwi, I., Abdou, A., and Al-Homoud, M., “Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Common Insulating Materials under Different Operating Conditions”, Funded Research Project, the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), October 2000.

Chapters in Books

  • My research work (Ph.D.) on directional information of sound fields in reverberant enclosures employing the measurements of the instantaneous sound intensity vector has been published (with permission) and referred to  in the book titled “Room Acoustics”, 2nd Edition, (1995), by F. J. Fahy, pp. 248, 249, published by E & FN Spon, ISBN 0-419-19810-5.

3. Awards

  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2019-2020.
  • Distinguished Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2015-2016.
  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2014-2015.
  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2009-2010.
  • Distinguished Teaching and Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2004-2005.
  • Distinguished Teaching and Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 1999-2000.
  • Directors’ Award for the best paper published in Canadian Acoustics in 1994 authored by a graduate student.
  • Awarded and received Scholarship for Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building, HIS, 1989. (Advanced Postgraduate Diploma)
  • Awarded and received Scholarship for Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building, HIS, 1985. (Postgraduate Diploma with DISTINCTION)

Dr. Adel M. Abdou Associate Professor (013) 860-2762 adel@kfupm.edu.sa http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/are/adel/

Graduate Assistant

1. Overview

Primary Research Area

  • Architectural Acoustics, Noise Mapping and Control in Buildings
  • Building Indoor Environment, Energy Performance, and Building Envelope


Research Areas

  • Building Indoor Environment, Energy Performance, and Building Envelope
  • Building Energy Auditing and Monitoring
  • Computer Applications in Building Performance and Evaluation
  • Architectural Acoustics,  Noise Control in Buildings, Nosie Mapping


Dr. Adel Abdou is an Associate Professor at the Architectural Engineering Department at the College of Design and Built Environment, CDB, KFUPM. He has a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Architectural Engineering. He received his Ph.D. (1994), from the Center for Building Studies (CBS) Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Research interest cover aspects related to building indoor environment, dynamic facades, architectural acoustics, noise mapping and control in buildings, and computer applications in sustainable building design and performance evaluation. His most recent research projects He taught many courses related to: Architectural Graphics, Architectural Design, Working Drawings, and Construction Systems; Acoustics and Illumination, Architectural Acoustics, Building Illumination, and Computing Concepts in Architectural Engineering. He offered many consulting services in Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) studies as well as in transmission loss tests through construction components; Determination of absorption characteristics of construction materials; Building and equipment noise assessment and control; and Evaluation of sound quality for speech and music in auditoria. Developed several Architectural designs of many projects in the Middle East, such as: exhibition halls, residential-commercial multi-story buildings, office buildings, mosques, private residences, tourists' villages, and recreation areas. He authored many journal and conference papers that appeared in leading international and national periodicals and refereed conference proceedings. Dr. Abdou, was the first, to develop Web-based and Interactive (WBI, http://www.benoiseaware.kfupm.edu.sa/index_count.html) Noise Map for a city in the Middle East. He devised a monitoring and assessment procedure for both noise and air pollution of road traffic in major (arterial) roads in urban areas within cities in the kingdom employing state-of-the-art technology of computer-aided modeling, prediction and mapping of noise and air pollution levels as a result of road traffic. Dr. Abdou has an ample practical and consulting experience in the area of noise and dust monitoring and environmental impact assessment contributing to tens of client-funded and applied research projects as well as mega projects such as the ongoing Neom and the Red Sea development projects.



  • Ph.D. in Building Engineering, (Specialization: Arch./Bldg. Acoustics) - Centre for Building Studies (CBS), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 1994
  • Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building - Institute for Housing Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1989
  • M. Sc. in Architectural Engineering - Arch. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 1986
  • Postgraduate Diploma with DISTINCTION in Housing, Planning and Building - Institute for Housing Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1985
  • B. Sc. in Architectural Engineering - General Grade: VERY GOOD with HONOUR, Graduation Project: VERY GOOD - Arch. Eng. Dept, Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1982


Academic Positions

  • Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 2007-Present
  • Associate Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., College of Environmental Design, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals  (KFUPM), Dhahran, 31261, Saudi Arabia, 2004-Present
  • Assistant Professor, Architectural Engineering Dept., College of Environmental Design, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals  (KFUPM), Dhahran, 31262, Saudi Arabia, 1996
  • Lecturer (US= Assistant Professor), Architectural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1995
  • Research Assistant, Centre for Building Studies (CBS), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 1989-1994
  • Assistant Lecturer, Arch. Eng. Dept. Faculty of Eng., Ain-Shams University (as a result of completing the M. Sc. Degree), 1986-1989
  • Teaching Assistant, (as a result of honored graduation), Arch. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, 1982-1986


Professional Societies, Registrations, and Memberships

  • Member of the Egyptian Architects' Association (EAA), Cairo, Egypt, 1982-Present
  • Member of the Canadian Acoustical Association (CAA), Ottawa, Canada, 1993-Present
  • Member of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), USA, 1994-Present
  •  Member (Former) of ASHRAE, USA, 1994-2005
  • Member (Founder) of Architectural Engineering Institute, (AEI), USA, 1998-Present
  • Member (Founder) of the Arab Society of Computer-Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD), 2001

Professional Participations

  • Member, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Renewable Energy and Power Systems (IRC-REPS), 2020
  • Guest Member, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Construction and Building Materials (IRC-CBM)
  • ABET IDEAL Scholar, the development and implementation of a program assessment plan and an effective assessment leader, 2009
  • Talks: Invited Speaker, Saudi Council of Engineers “A Model of near-Zero Energy Home (nZEH), Al-Khober, 2019

Service on Committees

  • Member, University Scientific Council, 2019-Present
  • Member, CDB College Strategic Planning, 2010-Present
  • Member, CDB Space Quality and Utilization, 2019-Present
  • Member University ABET Steering Committee, 2018-2021
  • Chairman, and Coordinator, ARE Smart and Sustainable Buildings (ARE-SSBs-CX) Concentration Area, 2019- Present
  • Member, Energy Efficiency (EE-CX) Concentration Area, 2019
  • Chairman, CDB Assessment, Accreditation, and Quality Assurance  (CAAQC), 2020-Present
  • Chairman, Program Assessment, Accreditation, and Quality Assurance  (PAAQC), 2016-Present
  • Coordinator, ARE Senior Design Project (SDP), 2012- Present
  • Chairman, Graduate Program Revision, 2018-Present
  • Member, ARE Faculty Recruitment, 2019-Present 
  • Chairman, ARE Labs Development, 2010-2017
  • Member, ARE Faculty Research, 2019-Present   
  • Chairman, Inter-disciplinary Team: CX: Smart  and Sustainable Buildings, 2021-Present  
  • Chairman, Undergraduate Program Revision, 2019-2021  
  • Chairman, Undergraduate Program Transition Taskforce, 2019
  • Member, Inter-disciplinary Team: Developing CX: Intelligent Energy Systems Management, 2021
  • ARE-ABET Assessment and Accreditation Coordinator, 2010-2021
  • Member, KFUPM-Annual SDP Expo Committee, 2016-Present
  • Member, Executive Committee, Center of Excellency in Energy Efficiency (CEEE), 2018- Present 

Other Service

  • Technical reviewer for journals: Building and Environment, Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Canadian Acoustics Journal, Journal of Engineering Research.
  • Technical reviewer for conferences: International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (INTER-NOISE), The International Congress on Sound and Vibration

Consulting Experience

Example Applied Research and Mega Projects:

  • Environmental Monitoring (During Construction-Phase) for the Dredging, Filling and Compaction Works of Sheybarah and Ummahat Alshaykh Islands Development (Red Sea), prepared for China Harbour Engineering Arabia Company Ltd. RI-CEMS, PN: CEW02642, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM
  • Environmental Monitoring (During Construction-Phase) For The Piling and Foundation Works of Sheybarah And Ummahat Alshaykh Islands (Red Sea), prepared for China Harbour Engineering Arabia Company Ltd. RI-CEMS, PN: CEW02645, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM
  • Mega Project, NEOM Regional Baseline and Monitoring Program, Detailed Report of Baseline Noise, Dust And Air Quality Assessment, Consultancy Services to Neom in the Execution of Fast Track Environmental Technical Services, RI-CEMS, PN: CEM2669, (Client-Funded Project), KFUPM


2. Publications

Sample articles in journals and conferences

  • Mohamed A. Makawi, Ismail M. Budaiwi, Adel A. Abdou, (Under Review, 2022) “Impact of Enclosure Airtightness Characterization of Envelope Air Leakage Behavior for Centrally Air-Conditioned Single-Family Detached Houses"”, Journal Building Services Engineering Research and Technology.
  • Mohammed Alhaji Mohammed*, Adel A. Abdou (2019). The Framework Model for the Implementation of Collaborative and Interactive Learning in the University Classroom, Asian Journal of Education, and e-Learning 7(5)
  • AshrafT. Sayed and Adel A. Abdou, (2016). “A Model of A Near-Zero Home (nZEH) Using Passive Strategies and PV Technology in Hot Climates”, Journal of Green Buildings Vol. 11(1), pp. 38-70
  • Budaiwi I., and Abdou A. (2013).“The Impact of Thermal Conductivity Change of Moist Fibrous Insulation on Energy Performance of Buildings under Hot-Humid Conditions”, Inter. Journal of Building and Energy Vol. 60, pp. 388-399 (2013).
  • Abdou A. and Budaiwi I., (2013) “The Variation of Thermal Conductivity of Fibrous Insulation Materials under Different Levels of Moisture Content”, Inter. Journal of Construction and Building Materials Vol. 43, pp. 533-544
  • Mohammad S. Al-Homoud, Adel A. Abdou, and Ismail M. Budaiwi, (2009) “Assessment of Monitored Energy Use and Thermal Comfort Conditions in Mosques in hot-humid climates”, Journal of Energy and Buildings, Vol. 41(6), pp. 607-614

Funded Research Projects and Grants

Sample of Funded Research projects

  • Abdou, A., and Budaiwi, I., “Developing a Computational Tool for a Sustainable Assessment of Intelligent Buildings in Saudi Arabia, Funded Research Project, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), 2012-2014
  • Abdou, A., Budaiwi, I.,  “Monitoring and Mapping of Traffic Noise and Air Pollution of Arterial Roads in Urban Areas: a Decision-assisting Framework for Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures”, Funded-Project by KACST under the  Energy Technologies Program of the National Science and Technology Plan (NSTIP) 2010-2013
  • Rabee Reffat, Abdou, A., and Mir, S., “Developing a Strategy-based Design Tool for Energy Efficient Building Envelope of High-rise Office Buildings in Hot-Humid Climate”, Funded-Project by KACST under the  Energy Technologies Program of the National Science and Technology Plan (NSTP) for year 2009.
  • Budaiwi, I., and Abdou, A., “The Impact of Moisture Content on the Thermal Conductivity of Fibrous Insulation Materials”, A 2-year Internal-Funded Project, KFUPM, January 2008.
  • Al-Homoud, M., Budaiwi, I., Abdou, A., and Khaiyat, S., “Thermal Design and Air-Conditioning Operation Strategies of Mosques in Hot-Humid Climates of the Kingdom”, A 3-year Funded Research Project, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), May 2005.
  • Budaiwi, I., Abdou, A., and Al-Homoud, M., “Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Common Insulating Materials under Different Operating Conditions”, Funded Research Project, the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), October 2000.

Chapters in Books

  • My research work (Ph.D.) on directional information of sound fields in reverberant enclosures employing the measurements of the instantaneous sound intensity vector has been published (with permission) and referred to  in the book titled “Room Acoustics”, 2nd Edition, (1995), by F. J. Fahy, pp. 248, 249, published by E & FN Spon, ISBN 0-419-19810-5.

3. Awards

  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2019-2020.
  • Distinguished Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2015-2016.
  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2014-2015.
  • Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2009-2010.
  • Distinguished Teaching and Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 2004-2005.
  • Distinguished Teaching and Advising Award, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM, for the academic year 1999-2000.
  • Directors’ Award for the best paper published in Canadian Acoustics in 1994 authored by a graduate student.
  • Awarded and received Scholarship for Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building, HIS, 1989. (Advanced Postgraduate Diploma)
  • Awarded and received Scholarship for Postgraduate Diploma in Low Income Housing, Planning and Building, HIS, 1985. (Postgraduate Diploma with DISTINCTION)

Dr. Adel M. Abdou Associate Professor (013) 860-2762 adel@kfupm.edu.sa http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/are/adel/