1. Overview

Primary Research Area

  • Energy Efficiency
  • Modeling and Simulation
  • Sustainable Cities
  • Green Building
  • Building Science



    Mansour Alhazmi is an assistant professor in the Department of architecture engineering and construction management at the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. Prior to joining KFUPM, Mansour was a research assistant in the Urban Climate Research Center at Arizona State University and a teaching assistant at Arizona State University. Dr. Alhazmi's research focuses on improving and enhancing building energy efficiency as well as the interaction of the buildings with the surrounding built environment.

    Dr. Alhazmi received his Ph.D. in Architecture Technology from the Arizona State University, and M.S. in Architecture Technology from Georgia Institute of Technology.


    • Ph.D. in Architecture Technology, Arizona State University, Arizona, United States. 2023.
    • M.S. in Architecture Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia, United States, 2017.
    • B.S. in Architecture, Umm Al Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 2013.

    Academic Positions

    • Assistant Professor, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 2023-Present
    • Research Assistant, Arizona State University, 2020-2023
    • Teaching Assistant, Arizona State University, 2020-2020

    Professional Societies, registrations, and memberships

    • LEED AP BD+C 

    Professional Participations

    • Competitions
    • Conferences

        2. Publications

        Selected articles in journals and conferences

        • Alhazmi, M., Sailor, D., Levinson, R., 2023, A review of challenges, barriers, and opportunities for large-scale deployment of cool surfaces. Energy Policy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113657
        • Alhazmi, M., Jyothis, A., David, S., 2022, A new perspective for understanding actual anthropogenic heat emissions from buildings. Energy and Buildings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2022.111860
        • Levinson, R., Alhazmi, M., Becce, J., Desjarlais, A., Gilbert, H., Kats, G., Miller, J., Morin, E., Sailor, D., & Schneider, S. (2023). United States Cool Surfaces Deployment Plan. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.20357/B7602K
        • Alhazmi, M., Yeom, D., Sailor, D. Anand, J. “Identifying key design parameters for anthropogenic heat emission and energy consumption from building to support decision making toward urban heat island reduction”, The 2023 American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers (ASTFE) Conference, Mar 26-29, 2023, University of Maryland, MD, USA
        • David, S., Wentz, E., Anand, J., Alhazmi, M., Aguilar, E., Mehner, A., Avoided Residential Air Condition Energy Costs Associated with Colling the City: A Case study for Phoenix Arizona USA, 17th Symposium on Society Applications: Policy Research and Practice, AMS 102nd Annual Meeting, Houston Texas

        3. Awards

        • First Place of Small Multifamily Housing Contest of the 2017 U.S. Department of Energy Race to Zero Student Design Competition
        • First Place of Virtual Building Triathlon Student Design Competition for Integrated Retrofits for Commercial Buildings

        Dr. Mansour Alhazmi Assistant Professor (013) 860 8518 alhazmim@kfupm.edu.sa